Last December, I was thinking about the New Year, 2020.  Usually, this time of year I make several grandiose resolutions and almost always they involve some half-baked plan for weight loss. But last year was different. I was at...
I’ll be honest, I began functional bodybuilding after seeing a program that was titled, “Feel good and look good naked.” Who doesn’t want that?! So, after a little research, I started the program. I loved it so much we...
We all know that “it takes a village.” Raising children is far from easy. The physical, mental and emotional work load is second to none. We as parents need a village to help ease the workload of raising good,...
Growing up, I would definitely call myself a worrisome child. I would worry about all types of things and then those worries would turn into nightmares at night as I slept. It wasn't every night but it happened a...
I have been here before. At one point, before my daughter came along, all three of my boys were in school at once. I didn't like it. I treasured the disappearance of the sibling WWF rounds and the cries of "I'm bored." Or "I'm starved." But between those bits of relief, I felt empty. Like I had lost my purpose.
As we age, many of us develop hyperpigmentation, or sun spots, on our face, neck, chest and hands. These not only make our skin look old, but they represent UV damaged cells, which can turn into skin cancers. Therefore,...
When my kids were small, I desperately wanted to go to the YMCA regularly to exercise, but it seemed like the odds were stacked against me. One kid would be sick (can’t leave the house). Or I had been up all night (yet again) with my non-sleeping son and hardly felt up for a trip to the grocery store, let alone to go work out for an hour.
Last night, my oldest woke me in my least favorite way: with a wail and the sound of repeated retching. I was with him in a flash, but cursed my lack of preparation. We were in the midst of...
The Truth Let me start by saying, I am not a runner. I do not own fancy sneakers, and the clothes I wear to run are pretty basic. I don't exactly track my distance or my heart rate, I've never...
I recently heard a quote that really stuck with me: "A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there." This is so true! Too often we crave change in an area of our lives, but something holds us back. Maybe...

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